Liberals don’t censor anti-Moore media
October 11, 2004
M. Joseph Manno III wrote a letter to the editor Monday about his impression that “liberals” are controlling our access to information, specifically a rebuttal to Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11.”
This continued illusion that there is an extensive network of “liberals” controlling our access to information just doesn’t work anymore – not when Fox News can win when sued for lying by claiming a right to free speech.
When “Fahrenheit 9/11” was released, it was not available in DeKalb theaters for only one reason: a decision by a single person determines what movies are available in DeKalb. GKC has a monopoly on first-run movies in DeKalb. That same person decided not to show Fahrenhype 9/11 the same week. One of those two booking decisions was probably based on politics.
Mr. Manno ends his letter with the ominous threat, “Liberals, you are on notice, and Big Brother is listening!” What a way to end an appeal for free access to information and an argument against censorship. Isn’t that frightening, no matter what your politics are?
J. B. Stephen
Associate professor, mathematical sciences