Arhos misses mark on Bush policy facts

Nick Arhos’ Wednesday column made incorrect statements about the Bush administration’s health care policy. In particular, he got the name of the program wrong. The Bush administration has not “strengthened Medicaid.” Medicaid, which is a health program for the nation’s poorest citizens, is administered by the states and the Bush administration has refused budgetary aid to states that are struggling to pay for their rapidly growing Medicaid programs.

Medicare, which covers senior citizens, is the program the Bush administration has tried to reform by adding limited prescription drug coverage. Analysts from many political perspectives, as well as many seniors, agree that the Bush Medicare changes are confusing and inefficient, and will drive up health costs because the new law bans the government from negotiating lower drug prices.

While I realize Arhos’ piece appeared on the opinion page, I hope he can do a better job of backing up his opinions with correct information.

Beatrix Hoffman

Associate professor, history