Parents examine district budget

By Anthony Seeman

Tuesday marked the first day of school for over 5,000 students of DeKalb Community Unit School District 428.

“Nothing makes the school board happier than seeing things go smoothly on the first day of school,” Superintendent Paul Beilfuss said at the school board meeting Tuesday.

There was an increase of about 200 students this year, said Linell Lasswell, assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction. “This was a 3.7 percent growth from previous years.”

The district hired 32 new staff members including certified and non-certified teachers, custodial staff and food service, said Jed Dunbar, assistant superintendent of human resources. Five positions within the district are still open.

Parents and athletes filled the room as the board discussed its prior decision to cut the high school men’s swim team from the 2004/2005 budget.

As a result of the $1 million deficit that the district has faced – and continues to face – the DeKalb team was cut to lower the deficit, Beilfuss said.

Gary Betz, parent of a DeKalb High School student, addressed the board asking to reconsider its decision. Beilfuss said the district will review the cut.

With an increase in the number of housing starts within the school district, the board has adopted a position statement on development at the meeting.

The statement calls for the district to be more involved with district communities as they approve new housing development.

With the involvement, the board would be able to push for provisions that persuade or require developers to provide the district with money or other donations to offset the impact of new students.

“The statement focuses on the growth issues of our community,” said school board secretary Holly Wallace. “Adequate space and input from others in the community is crucial.”

The board will develop a formula to establish the necessary fees and donations to support additional student enrollment generated by future development.