Writer can read his own
September 7, 2004
I am writing in response to the hypocritical letter to the editor written by Paul LaLonde. LaLonde ranted about the “extreme bias constantly demonstrated in the Northern Star.” He said the Star should have some conservative reporters, too. Paul, obviously you do not read the Star every day, because there are conservative reporters, one being Nick Arhos. Furthermore, if you are so disturbed by the bias in the paper, then apply for a job at the Star. However, I wonder if your character would put a detour on your success at the Star and more importantly, life. LaLonde accused a Star columnist of being hateful and narrow-minded in his letter and then went on at the end to “thank” everyone who took time out of their busy, hate-filled schedules to read his letter. Does this mean LaLonde thinks everyone is hate-filled? Or maybe he didn’t mean to say that and just didn’t edit his letter before sending it? Either way, he should look in the mirror before he judges others.
Nick Thorsen
Junior, communication