Planners seek public’s input on transportation

By Justin Gallagher

Participants of the DeKalb-Sycamore Area Transportation Study will host public workshops today and Tuesday to hear concerns about the area’s transportation system.

The DSATS affects the communities of Cortland, DeKalb, Sycamore and NIU.

The main focuses will be intersection problems, options for rerouting through-traffic and congestion issues, said Laurie Hoogeveen, the DSATS and City of DeKalb Transportation Planner.

Beautification of Lincoln Highway between Peace Road and Seventh Street will also be among concerns expected to be addressed.

The study will present identical information at both meetings, Hoogeveen said.

The DSATS, the area’s metropolitan planning organization, has begun work on the area’s first long-range transportation plan. The plan is intended to create strategies for improving the movement of people and goods in the area over the next 25 years.

Hoogeveen said the government requires a long-range plan to be conducted every five years if the planning area is to receive federal funds.

Transportation study


What: A study analyzing Cortland, Sycamore, DeKalb and NIU traffic systems

Where: Today – DeKalb Municipal Building, 200 S. Fourth St.; Tuesday – Sycamore Center, 308 W. State St., Sycamore

When: Today from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday 5 to 7 p.m.

Why: Receive public input about local traffic concerns.