Vote out Bush and his unilateral policy

By Willie Mickell

President George W. Bush will be remembered for doing something his daddy could not do: capturing Saddam Hussein.

Think about the following question for a moment. Should a man or a woman be elected president of the United States based on how many lives he or she saved or by how many bullets he or she avoided during a war? Does proof of these encounters guarantee the country a first-class leader who will advocate for education, jobs and health care available evenly and fairly for all?

Credibility means everything to most young people and to older people in this country. Power, money and credibility rule. The characteristics of what makes up a gangster are not discriminatory. George W. Bush is a gangster. Bush has proven that if a country has something the United States wants, he will send fathers, sons, brothers and uncles to war to get it. Such decisions – and lots of questions that go unanswered by the president – should be the focus of the campaign and not the military records of the opponent that include events that took place some 30 years ago.

The controversy over John Kerry’s military records from March 13, 1969 state that Kerry earned the Bronze Star for plucking Green Beret Jim Rasmann from the Bay Hap River. Reports state that Kerry’s naval citation states that his boat and four others were receiving small-arms and automatic-weapons fire, and Rasmann was receiving sniper fire from both banks.

Anti-Kerry veteran Larry Thurlow, commander of a swift boat nearby, claims Kerry embellished the story and that they were not under any fire. He says Kerry should not have received the medal. Rasmann disagreed and says Kerry saved his life.

ABC News reported that anti-Kerry veterans, called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, have many ties to the Republican financial backers and are trying to do all they can to discredit John Kerry’s true military records.

If Kerry did receive all of his medals fairly for his bravery while under gunfire in Vietnam, his accomplishments, guts and courage never can match up with the accomplishments of President Bush.

Bush went to war without the support of international allies and Congress. Bush cut millions of dollars from education to fund the war. Bush states at times that he welcomes the African-American vote but refuses to meet with African-American leaders about African-American issues. Bush has gone out of his way to create additional tax cuts for the rich. This logical reasoning for decisions made is that of an arrogant individual and therefore represents the status of a true gangster – an individual who will repeat the words of Frank Sinatra: “I’m going to do it my way.”

Bush’s actions while in office have been more “gangster” than any Republican or Democrat ever has done during my lifetime.

The American people are better off choosing the best candidate, Democrat or Republican, based on their record and service while in political office – not based on a war record from 30 years ago that does not relate to education, jobs or health care for the American people. George W. Bush makes John Kerry look like Robin Hood.

Columns reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Northern Star staff.