LGBT film fest to showcase documentaries

By Karina Brown

From Oscar Wilde to Ellen Degeneres, homosexuals have struggled on screen and onstage.

Every April, the LBGT Resource Center recognizes past and current homosexual achievements during national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Awareness Month.

The center is hosting a film fest to start the month. Presenting a variety of documentaries, the center will showcase current and past issues surrounding lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered individuals.

The center will cater the event with pizza, pop and snacks.

Films such as “Assault on Gay America,” “Gay Youth/Youth Out Loud,” “Before Stonewall” and more will play from noon to 8:00 p.m. today in the LBGT Resource Center, located at the Holmes Student Center, Room 706.

In “The Celluloid Closet,” different actors and directors comment on homosexual representation in more than 100 Hollywood films. “The Celluloid Closet” features commentary from homosexual film actors and heterosexual actors such as Tom Hanks and Susan Sarandon.

Margie Cook, coordinator of the center, said the experience is open to everyone.

“If people have free time, they should just come and hang out,” Cook said. “People can learn, eat food, relax and gain a knowledge and experience that might not be exposed elsewhere.”