Senate discusses fee

By Gerold Shelton

An earlier deadline for new student applications – Nov. 15 for 2005 – and the incorporation of a $30 application fee for students starting in fall 2005 were discussed at the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday.

Vice Provost Earl “Gip” Seaver said the changes will help control rising enrollment.

Seaver said NIU also has stopped enrolling transfer students with fewer than 60 credits.

“We put controls in this year to turn the tap off,” Seaver said.

The addition of a waiting list also will be incorporated for the fall semester.

“We have not decided how the waiting list is going to work yet,” Seaver said. “We really think we won’t get to a waiting list this year, though.”

Although enrollment numbers have increased greatly, the percentages have dropped from the reported 40 percent to just 18.8 percent as of last Thursday, Seaver said.

The $30 application fee, while new to NIU, is something many universities have used for years.

“It received the [Board of Trustees’] blessing,” Seaver said.

Seaver also talked about the use of tuition waivers and took a closer look at how tuition waivers are being used.

“The provost’s office has talked about looking at what it would take to offer full rides,” Seaver said. “A big help would be being able to entice students with more scholarship money and a strong honors program.”

A vote to approve four new members to the Student Grievance Task Force was taken, but results were delayed because a fifth member was added to the list of nominees.

Discussion on the voting method, originally planned to be voted by a show of hands, led to an anonymous vote done by hand. Results will be announced at the next senate meeting.

The five nominees are: Joseph Stephen, mathematical sciences; Pam Smith, accountancy; Bill Tolhurst, philosophy; Lin Shi and Beth Miller, both from Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences.

The next Faculty Senate meeting is from 3 to 5 p.m. April 28 at the Holmes Student Center’s Skyroom.