FY05 budget put on hold

By Gerold Shelton

A delay in revenue projections from the state of Illinois is holding up the announcement of NIU’s fiscal year 2005 budget, NIU President John Peters told the University Council on Wednesday. Recent reports from the state show preliminary state budgets are off anywhere from $500 million to $1 billion. Peters said negotiations can’t begin until estimates are agreed upon.

“If we had a recession right now, we would have a problem,” Peters said. “We saved money, but we spent it on things we needed. I have no idea how we would do it.”

Budget hearings for NIU are set for April 22, but Peters said he doesn’t anticipate a resolution until Memorial Day.

The proposed composition of the search committee for a new athletic director was approved. The committee will consist of 12 members and will be monitored by the chair of the Board of Trustees and Peters.

“We expect to have someone by July 1, but it may be August or September,” Peters said.

The committee work starts in May, and nominations are needed soon, Peters said.

Peters also spoke about his nomination for the University of Tennessee president position.

“I have not decided yet; we are taking this one step at a time. I am thankful for how patient the university has been,” Peters said. “There’s a momentum here, and it does not rely on one person. And no, this is not an indication in any way.”

A new study by the Illinois Board of Higher Education will look at the productivity of higher education, said Patricia Henry, president of the Faculty Advisory Committee to the IBHE.

The study will review the academic offerings of state universities and match it with the mission of the university.

“We really do want to prevent a narrow definition of the term productivity,” Henry said.