CA dismissed from post

By Nicholas Alajakis

A Douglas Hall community adviser has been removed from his position after a sophisticated sting by his floormates caught him stealing money from another resident.

Floor residents became suspicious after items began disappearing from people’s rooms on the second floor of Douglas Hall’s D Wing. A Playstation 2 and large amounts of cash were among the items taken, said floor resident Jim Wodka, a freshmen pre-computer science major.

To try to catch who might be responsible for their disappearing items, residents on the floor set up a sting this past weekend with a Web cam and a wallet.

David To, a freshman pre-pharmacy major, and his roommate set up a computer in their room with a Web cam secretly recording a wallet that was on the desk.

The two then closed their door and left the room to play cards with other floor residents in the floor lounge.

When they returned three hours later, they reviewed the footage and found that their CA had been in the room three times. On one occasion the CA took $1 out of the wallet, and on another, he tried to open a locked drawer, Wodka said.

After showing their footage to Hall Director Heather Gates, the CA, who the Northern Star is choosing not to name because no formal charges have been issued, was removed from his position.

The former CA has been accused only of taking $1. In an interview with the Star, he said that this past weekend’s incident was isolated, and he had never taken anything before.

Both Gates and Willard Draper, director of Residential Life, refused to comment on the situation. Gates did, however, say that CAs go through extensive training to help a resident through the judicial process.

According to the “Guide Post,” which states all the rules for the residence halls, “the unauthorized possession of the property of others in the residence halls is in violation of university regulations.”

As of Wednesday afternoon, the Douglas Hall floor was still without a permanent CA.