BTE suspended indefinitely

By Nick Swedberg

Student Association President Kevin Miller suspended all future activities of the Big Time Entertainment committee and withdrew the committee appointments at Sunday’s senate meeting.

Miller told the Northern Star he based this decision on points raised by SA senators during the discussion of BTE committee chair appointee Kevin O’Kelly.

“I will be calling an undetermined number of SA meetings to get student opinion,” Miller said.

Brooke Robinson, SA director of public affairs, said that this does not mean the BTE has been dissolved, but the appointments are withdrawn indefinitely.

“If the senate needs further proof, we will bring it to them,” Robinson said.

Robinson said these meetings will be intended to give students a chance to address the state of the entertainment on campus in a open forum.

Four students, including O’Kelly, were up for appointment to the BTE committee. O’Kelly was the only one present at the meeting and addressed several senators’ questions.

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O’Kelly confirmed that no agenda was posted for the e-mail meeting where approval for the $10,000 allocation for the Ja Rule concert, nor was the voting for the meeting posted. He refused to answer a question about whether students have the right to know about disbursement of funds.

“I’m against it,” said Veronica Garcia about the BTE committee while addressing the senate. “I don’t think it’s something that SA should be involved in at all.”

The senate later failed to approve Garcia as the SA Supreme Court nominee with a 7-19-4 vote.

Two new senators were appointed to the senate. Jenny Martinez and Tearched Scott both were approved by the senate and took seats at the meeting as full members.Ben devries photo

Student Association President Kevin Miller addresses the SA on Sunday night with his executive report. Miller spoke of concerns that recently have drawn attention to activities of the current SA administration.