Senior looks to leave NIU on top

By Brian Kelley

Being an effective leader is difficult, but for NIU gymnastics senior co-captain Anna Gardina, it’s just a part of her game.

“It’s a hard position because you have to lead by example,” coach Mark Sontag said. “You can’t tell other people how to do it if you’re not doing it yourself, and she does a great job with that.”

Gardina has done a great job, as she became just the 11th Huskie to compete at NCAA regionals with a 14th-place 38.475 all-around score at the NCAA South Central meet in only her sophomore year. Last year, though, she suffered an ankle injury forcing her out as an all-arounder.

But this year she has set out to provide direction to the young squad and remain consistent.

“It’s my senior year, so I really want to do my best in all four events,” Gardina said. “I’m not about to let some pain in my ankle get in the way. I just want to have fun, and if I make regionals, that’s like a bonus.”

So far, the determined Gardina has shown no ill effects from last year’s injury, posting an all-around score above 37.725 in all three meets this year.

“Every day she comes in and works hard,” Sontag said. “For instance, I’ve never seen her not fight to stay on the beam. She walks in every day like it’s a competition, and that’s why she competes well. You compete the way you practice, and she’s a good example of that.”

The Ohio native has been involved in gymnastics since age 5. After coming to NIU on full scholarship, Gardina has put up high scores consistently, including many 9.900 on floor exercise, her event of choice.

Being an all-arounder, Gardina competes in not just the floor exercise, but the vault and the uneven bars, putting a lot of strain on her.

“My body hurts, but it’s real exciting and a privilege to be up in the lineup for four events,” Gardina said. “I think you need to be pretty well rounded to compete in all four events.”

With nine underclassman, Gardina has a big responsibility as co-captain to guide the team.

Sontag knows his team is in good hands with Gardina, as she has been a constant force since she arrived on the scene.

“I know I can always count on her,” Sontag said. “She has always been in the all-around for us, except for when she was injured last year; so to know that you have a good solid routine in every one of your events is huge for us.”

Gardina’s hard work ethic and success has rubbed off onto her teammates, especially the freshmen who look to follow in her footsteps.

“I look up to Anna because she’s a real hard worker and she fights for everything,” freshman Ashlee Williams said. “She doesn’t think about herself, and she’s just always thinking about the team and how bad she wants us to have a winning season this year.”