Huskies prep for Cardinal Classic

By Brian Kelley

After falling short on the bars at the University of Illinois Quadrangular last week, the NIU women’s gymnastics team travels to Ball State for the Cardinal Classic at 7 p.m. today looking for redemption.

The Huskies, (1-3) are still looking for the right lineup as they try to pick themselves up from last week’s flop on their last event.

They are also looking for someone to fill in for senior starter Tiffany Nolen after she was declared academically ineligible.

“We have some people that are getting their skills together and are really helping the team,” coach Mark Sontag said. “But, they aren’t quite doing the full difficulty that will be in their routines in the future.”

Besides Ball State, fellow MAC team Central Michigan will be at the classic along with Southeast Missouri State, Winona State and two Division II Wisconsin Schools.

After getting a look at Ball State last week at the Quadrangular, Sontag is confident about his chances in not only the next meet, but the MAC season, as well.

“[Ball State] was the MAC champions last year and I sat there and watched their routines and I don’t think that we have anything to worry about,” Sontag said. “They’ll be a little tougher at home than on the road but from what I saw I think we’re really comparably matched with them.”

Besides the loss of Nolen, the Huskies are still looking for junior Keri Saint to recover from a sprained ankle she’s been nursing. Sontag is also looking for senior Laura Hale to step up and perform the way she should.

While it will be at the top of the Huskies list to show Ball State what their made of, they won’t be able to do anything but control their own destiny.

“That’s one thing about gymnastics; we can’t do much about what anybody else does except for what we do,” Sontag said. “So our goal going into this is to hit 24-for-24 routines, perform at top difficulty and see where we end up.”