GROW offers affordable help

By Joseph Martillaro

Psychiatrists and psychologists continue to charge huge premiums for services with no guarantee of success.

When people go to one of these high priced doctors it usually is at their weakest moment. The moment when they are in the most need, and consequently, willing to fork out the most money to solve their problems.

An organization exists for those individuals suffering from mental illness – Gently Rehabilitating Ourselves to Wholeness.

Their motto, as printed in their flier, summarizes their mission, “You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone.”

GROW is an international organization whose chief goal is to provide people with the means to achieve mental wellness.

With attendance for five years or more, 37 percent of all emotional problems will be solved, said Bart Thorvalson, a worker for GROW.

Anxiety issues and other emotional problems seem to be the most prevalent disorders affecting people today, Thorvalson added.

“It is a program to maturity, it teaches you coping skills,” said Carleen Cross, GROW graduate and worker.

The meetings see all kinds of problems, but Cross noted that everything from “empty nesters” to the chronically or severely mentally ill attend and benefit from meetings.

“We teach prevention as well as rehabilitation,” Cross added.

The hardest thing for most who suffer from any type of mental illness is admitting that a problem exists, Cross noted.

“You have to realize that you don’t have control of everything,” Cross said, “but there are some things you can control.”

A lot of spirituality exists in GROW, but you don’t have to be a believer in a specific denomination to benefit, Cross explained.

“We feel that often people that need help the most, often can’t afford it,” Cross said.

She explained that those suffering have to want to change. The group setting is there to affirm the person through the process.

“We believe in mutual help towards 12 step completion,” Cross noted. “We are strong believers in persons.”

The organization is state-funded and has meeting locations across Illinois.

The DeKalb meeting location is at the Newman Catholic Student Center, 512 Normal Road.

The first meeting of the season is Wednesday, Sept. 25. There are no fees and meetings are held weekly. All are welcome and even those who merely want to learn about mental wellness are encouraged to attend.