Mike and Joe to welcome students

By Michael Klaas

The Convocation Center hosts its first musical act tonight at its “Welcome Back Concert.”

Mike and Joe, an alternative-rock group from Indiana, performs at 7:45 p.m.

The band, popular for its high-energy covers of well-known artists, has attracted a loyal fan base in the Midwest, especially among college students.

“They performed a lot of cover songs,” said Mandy Morgan, a senior industrial technology major who saw them play at Otto’s Niteclub, 118 E. Lincoln Highway. “They were songs that the whole audience knew.”

Morgan said that they don’t only play cover songs.

“They’re starting to do original stuff, and the crowds are knowing it now too, so they’re probably going to start breaking out beyond the cover-band stuff,” she said.

Mike and Joe released two albums of original music, but band member Mike Notaro said the setlist still will be weighted toward cover songs.

The band frequently draws a large crowd for its shows at small venues, but filling the Convocation Center is no small order.

Joe Coots, marketing manager for the Convocation Center, said he hopes for a crowd of 2,500.

Notaro expects the large venue will create an energetic atmosphere.

Because most people will buy their tickets at the door, it’s hard to predict the turnout for a show like this one. The upper deck is closed for the evening, but the lower level has seats or floor space close to the band.

As for those who are concerned about the audio problems that complicated Bill Cosby’s act, Coots said not to worry.

“Arenas are built for rock ’n’ roll, and that’s what the show is going to be,” he said.

Opening for Mike and Joe is local band Mer.

Tickets cost $5.50 for NIU students and $7.50 for general public. They are available at the ticket office or through Ticketmaster by calling (312) 559-1212, or visiting www.ticketmaster.com.

“Everybody, get here and get your tickets and it’ll be a great time,” Coots said.