Students showcase film skills

By Casey Toner

Watch out Sundance.

Next week, the NIU department of communication and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will host Reality Bytes, a three-day film festival featuring guest speakers, presentations and student documentary films.

The student films will be screened from 7 to 10 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at the Holmes Student Center’s Diversions Lounge.

From what the Reality Bytes coordinator has seen, the featured documentaries are high-quality films.

“Students at Northern and other institutions produce some of the most interesting work that we’ll see in the media,” Reality Bytes coordinator Laura Vazquez said.

Paul Butler’s “Save Them! The Life Of Paul Rader, Christian Radio Pioneer” will screen at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Former NIU graduate student James Macon’s “Wade In The Water,” a detailed report on the Underground Railroad that once ran through DeKalb County, will follow “Save Them!”

Alumni guest speakers Bill Weinman, Will Hernandez and Robert Katz will speak about their experiences in the Hollywood production circuit.

Katz recently finished production of the new Gary Ross film “Seabiscuit,” starring Tobey Maguire, and has worked in the past as an associate producer of “One Hour Photo,” starring Robin Williams.

The festival awards will be announced Friday evening at the Holmes Student Center’s University Suite. Refreshments will be served, and the NIU Jazz Ensemble will perform from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.