New statewide program has prescriptions for seniors covered

By Sean O'Connor

State Senator J. Bradley Burzynski and State Representative Dave Wirsing announced that thousands of senior citizens will receive additional coverage for prescription drug costs.

Illinois is benefiting from a pilot federal program to expand the state’s senior Circuit Breaker Prescription program.

In an election year, Wirsing (R-Sycamore) was quick to remind people that this program was being conducted under the auspices of the Bush Administration.

“President George Bush and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have announced that the State of Illinois will receive $100 million next year in federal money to greatly expand our nationally-acclaimed senior Circuit Breaker Prescription program,” Wirsing said.

Illinois SenioRx Care will provide $100 million in matching funds for the $170 million the state’s Circuit Breaker program already has spent on prescription benefits for low-income senior citizens.

This will cover all prescriptions, not just prescriptions for certain illnesses, for an estimated 368,000 senior Circuit Breaker assistance recipients.

Allocated amounts are based on the individual’s yearly income. Couples earning less than $23,220 and individuals earning less than $17,200 will qualify for the new program and automatically will be enrolled June 1, 2002.

Illinois SenioRx Care would require an average co-payment of $3 per prescription – up to $1,750 – to cover total costs. Illinois SenioRx Care also will cover 80 percent of the cost of prescriptions over that amount.

“This is great news,” Burzynski (R-Sycamore) said in a statement.

“The cost of prescription drugs is simply too high and something needs to be done to bring it down. In the meantime, this program will allow Illinois to provide assistance for those who need access to affordable medications – our senior citizens, specifically those in the lower income brackets.”

Jackie Garner, Illinois public aid director, said the state is looking forward to leading the nation in providing prescription assistance to seniors.