Fun with making fun

By Tom Spino

Hostess pies, Mr. T, stupid comics and Mega Man. What do these things have in common? Nothing.

That is, until a young man known only as Seanbaby decided to share his thoughts with the world via the Internet on his aptly named Web site,

The idea behind the Web site is simple: Find something that can be made fun of and proceed to make fun of it.

The genius of the site comes from Seanbaby’s apparent aversion to just about everything combined with talented writing, a dictionary of four-letter words and an attitude that would make Eminem run crying to his mommy.

The site is broken down into several sections for easy perusal.

The Seanbaby Probe covers actual world events from the unique perspective of an angry blue-haired Seanbaby. The section features articles with names like “Flesh-Eating Robots Want to Eat Your Flesh” and “Local Man Doesn’t See Movie, Assumes Will Suck.”

The Stupid Page is a place for Seanbaby to rant about stupid things people do, such as “Pointless Lawsuits” and “Mr. T’s Be Somebody or Be Somebody’s Fool” video.

There’s a Stupid Comics page that looks back at the great comic books of the past, including “Rainbow Raider,” “Turner D. Century” and Seanbaby’s favorite target, “Aquaman.”

There’s another page dedicated to some of the ads in these comics, especially ads for Hostess Fruit Pies. These poorly-written ads have a random superhero thwarting crime with nothing more than wholesome fruit-filled cake.

Most comics involve Superman or Captain America being trapped by a laser of some sort and some kids bail ing him out by throwing Twinkies in front of the villain, thereby distracting him from world domination with something they bought for 50 cents at a grocery store.

For the nostalgic Nintendo owner, Seanbaby provides a sarcastic look at everything from “Mega Man” and “Pro Wrestling” to lesser-known (or-liked) games such as “Sunday Funday” and “The Wall Street Kid.”

In addition, there are pages upon pages of reader mail and reader-submitted comics, all complete with biting replies from Seanbaby.

Then there’s the Reader Babes page, which is described as “a special resource for you to learn about all the sexy chicks that like the same Web site you do.” Really, it’s just another excuse to gawk at scantily clad women. That is why they made the Internet, right?

For those easily offended, pretend this Web site is the bubonic plague and keep your mouse far, far away.

For the rest of us, the site is guaranteed laughs. The only real drawback is that the site is updated fairly infrequently, meaning that after a few days of clicking hilarity, there’s really no reason to go back.

Overall, “” is vulgar, offensive, sexist, politically incorrect and probably responsible for global warming, increased youth violence, terrorism and the decline of Spirograph, but it’s also one of the funniest Web sites on the ‘net.