Dear Mazzy

Dear Mazzy,

My roommates are complete morons! Every time I go grocery shopping for myself, they end up eating my food without asking. They don’t seem to think there’s a problem with this, but I do! I wouldn’t mind if they asked first or offered to replace it, but they never do. They’re also constantly late on the bills they’re supposed to pay and never pay their share of the rent on time. I know it is too late to find new roommates, but how can I make do with the ones I’ve got, without going crazy or broke first? This is the last time I’ll use the classifieds to find roommates!


My roommates suck

Dear My roommates suck,

I must have been blessed by the Roommate Fairy, because my roommates are great. You sure have it rough and I feel your pain, even though I have never experienced the stress level your roomies have caused you. If you were on “Real World,” it would definitely be time to call a house meeting and air your grievances. You need to tell your roommates to grow up and point out the reasons they will not win the Roommate of the Year award. If all else fails, call their parents. Something tells me they might get through to your roommates better than you can.

Dear Mazzy,

I’m a senior this year and will graduate in May. I proposed to my girlfriend of six years because I felt like this was the time I was supposed to get engaged. For the past year, my parents drilled me about proposing to my girlfriend, so on Christmas Eve at my house I finally popped the question. I love her and want to marry her eventually, but I’m not so sure I’m ready to be engaged. It’s not because I want to be with anybody else, but I just feel like I was pressured into doing something I really wasn’t ready for. How do I take back the proposal?

