BOT faces approvals
December 6, 2001
The NIU Board of Trustees will face nearly $6 million in action approvals at its 9 a.m. meeting today in the Holmes Student Center’s Clara Sperling Skyroom.
This will include a budget establishment of $471,300 for reconstruction of the visitor’s pay lot between Watson Creek and Founders Memorial Library, also known as Lot 17.
The reconfigured lot will make use of Carroll Avenue to provide for more parking spaces.
Also, the entrance will be moved to align with the entrance to Lot 36, between Founders and the NIU Parking Deck. This is expected to decrease traffic conflicts along the remainder of Carroll Avenue.
The funds for planning and construction will come from parking revenue bond reserves.
Also, the board will vote on the approval of a $3.3 million budget for fixtures and equipment in the arena.
The BOT approved the $35.8 million arena project on Jan. 14, 1999. In June 2000, the arena price was published as $38 million, up more than $2 million from the original budget. Part of the arena funding comes from money earned on the interest of sold bonds, with the remainder coming from student fees.
Arena construction is still on schedule, although the projected opening was January 2002. Construction, instead, began in October 2000 and now is scheduled for completion in fall 2002.
Arena staff and the athletics department submitted a list of equipment they will need upon opening. To assure availability and procurement at the lowest cost possible, the university hopes to begin purchasing equipment this month. Funding will come from existing bond revenue and solicited gifts and donations.
The university also will recommend the approval of a collective bargaining agreement with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, which represents about 23 police officers on campus.
Under this agreement, salary rates and other terms and conditions of employment consistent with university policies and guidelines will be established through June 30, 2006.
The next meeting date will be set before adjournment.