Paychecks should be on time regardless of method
December 4, 2001
One weekend separated the NIU employed community into the “haves” and the “have nots.” Those who had their checks, and those who had an empty bank account.
Many NIU employees were able to sleep in on Friday and enjoy a weekend out while the money just flowed into their accounts, but others were left lunching on Ramen noodles and cocktail weenies.
The less fortunate surely were relieved to see their checks in the Monday mail. They never should have been left to those devices.
This just doesn’t seem right.
Currently, NIU employees have the option of Automated Clearinghouse (direct deposit) or receiving a printed check.
The NIU payroll department may only distribute printed paychecks the morning of payday, rather than the day before, explained Steve Cunningham, associate vice president of administration and human resources.
Granted, direct deposit is a lot easier on trees and ink than printed checks; however, people shouldn’t be punished just because they want to feel the fruit of their labors in the palms of their hands.
Direct deposit has been endorsed by Human Resource Services since 1996.
It appears NIU is trying to push the idea of direct deposit, but there still is opposition. They have their reasons, and they shouldn’t have to suffer the penalties of time.
Employees should get paid on the same day regardless of method. Don’t push people, and don’t punish people.