CAB & RHA deliver events

By Linda Luk

Halfway through the fall semester, two campus organizations — the Campus Activities Board and the Residence Hall Association — continue to schedule activities and seek student participation.

“We’ve had a lot of really successful programming, and a lot’s been going on,” said Kristi Lippert, RHA vice president of programming. “The turnouts have been great, more than we can ask for.”

Recently RHA has organized various events, including the block party on the first day of move-in, the trip to University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign for the football game and RHA week, which included events like music madness and flag football, Lippert said.

The Campus Activities Board, which organizes many of the activities for homecoming and concerts on campus, also continues to draw crowds.

“Attendance has been pretty good,” CAB president Mike Brady said. “We had quite a few people for our first fine arts program & ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ on Sept. 11, the day of the World Trade Center attack. We were kind of surprised.”

Some other CAB programming included Family Weekend, the Coffeehouse series, the fine arts series and various trips.

“There’s going to be a couple biggies coming up,” Brady said. “Definitely things to look forward to the rest of the semester.”

The Residence Hall Association projects future activities like a Halloween party in Stevenson’s New Orleans room and a canned food drive around Thanksgiving.

“This year we’re not having the Freaky Floor contest due to fire hazard,” Lippert said. “We are having the Eerie Entrance Contest. Instead of decorating the whole floor, you’re just decorating the doors.”

Many students enjoy these events.

“I went to the One-Handed Molly concert,” junior nursing major Jaime Stachura said. “They were brought in from New York. I really enjoyed it, they were really good.”

Other students find the RHA and CAB meetings beneficial.

“A lot of people have things to say, more than I thought they would. Everyone seems interested,” said Stephanie Fiorenzo, a sophomore political science major.

Even with all the CAB and RHA events, some students still don’t check them out.

“Part of it is that I don’t know about it or I am too busy and I don’t have time for it,” Stachura said.