Equestrian Club seeks new members

By Lisa Weber

A town like DeKalb is perfect for horseback riding, and in Oct. 2000 Jenny Walter made it a reality by starting the Intercollegiate Equestrian Club.

“I transferred to NIU from out east, where I had previous riding experience,” Walter said. “I couldn’t bear not riding here, so I started looking for a trainer and a barn and I started the club.”

There currently are 12 people in the club.

“A lot of girls are graduating so we need more people,” Walter said. “Tryouts are open to everyone and will be held next week on the 11th and 16th at the Stonebridge Equestrian Center. We will be taking new members throughout the year, male and female.”

Lesley Garraway, a sophomore elementary education major and 2nd year member of the club, “loves everything about horseback riding.”

“I think what we do at the shows is the hardest part of riding because we don’t get a warm up,” Garraway said.

Garraway has been in many competitions, showing her own horse and competing at NIU.

“I practice with the team once a week and with my own horse at home four days a week,” she said.

Previous horseback riding experience is not needed to tryout, but learning to ride English-style is necessary, Walter said.

“We need all levels, from beginning to advanced,” Walter said. “The only requirement is that you have to be a full-time, undergraduate NIU student and each person in the club has to take a one-on-one, weekly private lesson.”

The only expense is the weekly lesson, which is $25, Walter said.

“We are on our own with money,” Walter said. “Last year we raised $2,000 in fundraisers and we didn’t have to pay for travel or shows, just the private lessons.”

Last year, the club competed in 12 shows, Walter said.

“All shows are in Indiana and the other teams provide the horses for us to ride,” she said.

Members of the club do not have to compete in shows, but participation is recommended, Walter added.

“It’s a true test of your riding ability,” she said.

Students interested in private lessons or more information should call the Stonebridge Equestrian Center at 756-6582.