Shoppers split on chain stores

By Nicholas Utech

NIU is considered a very diverse school for a number of reasons. However, there is one thing that separates everyone into two categories: Target or Wal-Mart.

Andrea Saewert, a junior electrical engineering technology major, said the prices and the layout of Target are good.

“If you need assistance or help, they’re there,” she said. “Good clothes are also better to find at Target.”

Liz Tomasek, a senior elementary education major, claims that although she’s a “Target girl,” there are pros for both stores.

“Target always has better quality, but Wal-Mart sometimes has better prices,” she said. “I think you can find things better at Target, but I go to Wal-Mart so I can do my food shopping as well.”

Junior marketing major, George Parthenios said Target is easier to navigate.

“Target is a smaller store and the aisles are more organized,” he said. “In Wal-Mart, everything is everywhere.”

Advertising also plays a large role in choosing a store.

“I think Target has better advertising,” sophomore undecided major Annalisa Jacobs said. “I don’t like that little smiley-face-guy at all for Wal-Mart.”

Others have a different view.

“I think the little smiley-face is kinda cute,” junior psychology major Kim Copemhaver said. “Also, you can get your food and bathroom stuff at Wal-Mart.”

To some students, it’s not just about what’s sold at the store, but how comfortable it is to shop there.

“Target carts are much better than Wal-Mart carts,” Copemhaver said. “They just drive a lot better than other ones.”

But not all students are cart users, some turn to baskets for all their shopping needs.

“Target baskets are more spacious and they’re red,” freshman business major James Vasilakos said. “It’s more attractive than blue ones.”

Target supervisors declined to comment on local competition, however Wal-Mart store manager Tom Kehrees is confident in his store.

“We have very good people working for us,” Kehrees said. “We try to maintain all of our customers’ needs. We probably have the widest selection of products in town.”

Kevin Perna, a freshman business major, recalls his experience with the Target food court.

“I had a cherry ICEE there once,” he said. “It was good.”