SAMTB discusses rider totals

By Philip Dalton

The Student Association Mass Transit Board (SAMTB) recited last semester’s rider totals and voiced concerns during its first meeting of the semester.

Among the issues discussed at yesterday’s board meeting were last semester’s passenger numbers on the Huskie Bus Lines. The total number of passengers for last semester was about 1.4 million, which averaged 90,718 passengers per week.

Rider totals for NIU’s Freedom Mobile ranged around 4,000 riders, but the board indicated that totals could change next semester if a new rule is implemented.

Due to the number of Freedom Mobile riders cancelling rides within 15 minutes of being picked up, they must now cancel rides one hour before pickup.

If a rider compiles three no-shows during a semester, he will lose riding privileges for one week.

SAMTB Adviser Mikki Anderson said Students for People with

Disabilities have invited the SAMTB to ride on the Freedom Mobile to show the members of the board how the vehicle operates.

Late Night Ride Service also tallied up its riders for last semester. Their total came to 736 riders, with an average of about 61 passengers per week.

The service expressed concern over its lack of advertising around campus. Anderson said she would like to make distribution of fliers a task for the semester.

Another possible change pending further discussion is drivers announcing stops along their routes. This idea came up in order to aid the population of blind persons on campus.