Police deny Grant gunfire

By Erica Fatland and Melissa Westphal

Shortly before midnight Wednesday, University and DeKalb Police responded to a call of gunshots fired outside of Grant Towers North.

UP Sgt. Samuel-Louis Brandy, Jr. said that the phone call made to the police station was false.

“We received a radio call of a person who had been hit by a gunshot,” Bandy said. “That’s not what happened.”

A black male was taken away in an ambulance shortly after midnight.

Bandy added that he does not know what caused the wound, but the police determined that the incident did not happen at the residence hall.

“We have to be careful now of people getting the wrong information,” he said. “Until we get more information it’s a hodgepodge.”

Witnesses in the area who did not want to be identified reported hearing gunshots.

“We take violent crime very seriously. We’re going to take any action that we need to.” Bandy said. “We don’t want anyone getting hurt. We’re continuing to investigate to find out what happened.”