Provost hunt narrows to 10

By Lisa Weber

The search for NIU’s new executive vice president and provost is entering its final stages.

The chosen candidate of a field of 10 will report directly to the president, overseeing the budget and the Division of Academic and Student Affairs and participating in the executive management of NIU. He or she also will represent the president and focus on student and academic matters — including overseeing all seven colleges.

“We are getting ready to announce the 10 finalists,” NIU President John Peters said. “Of those 10, we will choose up to four candidates. We have to be sure that those candidates will come for the interviews.”

Peters said the candidate names will be released “very soon.”

“Our search committee has worked very hard and they are very pleased with the finalists,” Peters said. “They have strong academics, long experience and are very interested in students.”

A majority of the candidates are from public universities, where they are either deans or sitting provosts, Peters added.

In November, NIU’s provost search committee met with consultants from the firm of Chicago-located Heidrick and Struggles International Inc, one of the largest recruiting companies in the world. Company vice chairman William J. Bowen is NIU’s consultant.

At the meeting, committee members looked over applications from candidates and discussed the interview process.

“I will be talking to departments involved early next week,” said Dan Griffiths, Faculty Senate president and provost search committee co-chairman.