Sycamore mayor to pursue re-election

By Bryan Malenius

The mayor of Sycamore announced he will campaign to hold on to his office in the city election next April.

Bernard McMillan said he wants to continue as mayor of the community, an office he assumed March 23 when Sycamore’s previous Mayor B. Phillip Ramsey died.

McMillan, 65, said he is running to retain his position because of his experience and the fact that he loves his job.

“I’ve been affiliated with the city for 26, going on 27 years now. And I just enjoy my job and working in city government,” he said.

Despite the fact the mayor’s position is a part-time job, McMillan has a full-time agenda for his office.

“My goal is to bring in a better tax base. We want to attract more industry and sales tax revenue in the city,” he said. “We’ve also been upgrading the sewer plant here in town and I want to see it through finished.”

McMillan also saw a need for the mayor’s office to expand the municipal employee base as needed.

“I want to see the police and fire department increase in size so we can provide adequate service, as the community continues to grow,” he said.

McMillan said he is most proud of the community’s drive to attract industry and business to Sycamore.

“We’re in the process right now of bringing a Farm and Fleet retail store to Sycamore,” he said.

Prior to taking on the office of mayor, he served as an alderman in Sycamore.

McMillan’s service as mayor began following the death of Ramsey, who succeeded long-time Sycamore Mayor Harold “Red” Johnson less than six months earlier.

Johnson had served the Sycamore community as mayor for 33 years.