NIU Esports holding tryouts for varsity teams
The scholarship was open to any NIU student who considers themself a gamer, not just varsity athletes like most esports scholarships.
September 1, 2020
DeKALB — As many classes have moved online, so have organized NIU competitive events. NIU Esports will be holding tryouts for its varsity teams. The first tryout is 6 p.m. Sept. 9, followed by a second tryout at 6 p.m. Sept. 10.
NIU Esports is looking for gamers to join its varsity League of Legends, Overwatch and Rocket League teams. Tryouts are open to players of all skill levels and experience with the respective games, according to the NIU Events Calendar.
Players that join the team are expected to participate in multiple practices and games every week, just like any other NIU Athletics team.
Those who plan on participating in team tryouts need to register online prior to the first tryout day. Attendance at both tryouts is preferred, which will be held virtually.
Any questions regarding the event will be fielded by team General Manager Conner Vagle, who can be reached at