NIU late night ride service offers transportation to all
October 7, 1992
The NIU late night ride service is not just for those too intoxicated to drive—it’s for everyone who needs a ride.
Steve Lawrence, supervisor of NIU’s late night ride service, said the service is available for any student, faculty or staff member with proper identification.
“Anything can happen with marked increase in violence, so we encourage people to call,” he said.
The service is offered from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights.
“NIU’s late night ride service was originally designed for younger girls who felt it was unsafe to walk home alone,” Lawrence said.”
According to Lawrence, the staff includes two drivers and a dispatcher. The service will drive people who have been drinking and do not wish to drive, he said.
But, he said drivers have the right to refuse service if they feel that passengers pose a threat to them.
“Our goal is to promote the program and to expand the service to all week,” Lawrence said.
Christi Kret, former chairperson of the Student Association Mass Transit Board, said the University Police perform a background check when students apply for a position in the program. Students drive vehicles provided by NIU, she said.
UP Sgt. Debbie Petit oversees the program. “The police are a liaison between students,” she said. “The Student Association, Mass Transit (Board) and University Police all work together to provide service coordination.”
UP’s involvement includes making sure there are cars available and communication is provided in case there is any trouble, she said.
In the last four weeks, the service has averaged about 23 calls a night, which makes a total of 187 calls since the program started, Petit said.
“With homecoming weekend and cold weather approaching, there should be a rise of activity as the past has indicated,” she said.
Kret said the program was instituted during the spring semester of 1988 and originally also provided services on Thursday nights. The program was a joint venture between the SA and the Mass Transit Board, she said.
Students should call 753-1661 during hours of operation to use the late night ride service.