DeKalb resident establishing small business selling crochet tops

By Brandon Montemayor

 DeKALB — A local resident found time during the pandemic to turn a hobby into a business.

Kaylee Obed of DeKalb sells handmade custom crochet tops online along with other items through her business, Kayohh’s Kloset.

“I was searching for a hobby to keep me busy while staying in quarantine,” Obed said. “Once I finished my first top and showed my friends, they told me I should sell them.” 

Obed’s shop is run on popular resale platform Depop. 

“I knew that I should make them available online so that I would be able to ship them anywhere,” Obed said. “That’s why I put them on Depop.”

The tops are $15 regardless of size. All a buyer needs to do is message Obed via Depop and provide her with their bust and waist measurements and color of choice, according to Obed’s Depop store.

Obed’s business faces challenges like any other. 

“The biggest issue for selling and promoting my tops is having others model them,” Obed said. “If I could find more friends and have them model for me that would help.” 

Obed’s shop also sells crochet purses, hats and other resale clothing and antique items. 

“Working from home nowadays is very tough, but I’m grateful for what I’m able to do,” Obed said. 

To check out and support Kayohh’s Kloset, visit the shop’s Depop website or through the Depop app @Knockoutgirl.