Opinion editor says farewell

Patrick Murphy Northern Star

Opinion editor Katie Barton sits for portrait photo.

By Katie Barton, Opinion editor

My time with the Northern Star was incredibly short. My only regret is not having joined the staff sooner. 

I was in the unique position of coming to the Star directly as an editor, as a pinch hitter of sorts, to lead the opinion section halfway through the Spring 2021 semester. Upon arrival, I was amazed by the speed and spirit in which writers and editors produced the news. Imposter syndrome loomed. Could I do it, would I be up to par?

Thanks to the kindness and guidance of my fellow editors, mentors and the patience of my staff during the growing pains as I assumed my role, I was able to learn and improve so much. 

It was a strange year for the Star in general. Because of the pandemic and the related printing pause on the paper, I never cut clips or produced a tangible issue to hold in my hands. Sometimes I worked on columns and articles for people I hadn’t met. Despite the year’s challenges and the brevity of my time as the opinion editor, the Northern Star provided me with invaluable experiences. 

The fervor of the newsroom is no joke. It’s thrilling, stressful, hectic and lively. Even in the heated discussions at editorial meetings where emotions ran high, there was something precious and valuable. What a gratifying honor it was to argue with people passionate enough about issues to put up a fight.

It felt like at the Northern Star, I found my people. Thanks to everyone who made me feel at home during my brief time here with the paper. 

To the opinion staff: Thanks for hanging in there with me! The opinion section wouldn’t be what it is without your hard work. I couldn’t do a good job without you putting forth the effort first. Thank you for meeting me halfway.

To my fellow editors: You are all so fun, talented and hardworking. Thank you for making editorial meetings interesting and for making the paper as great as it is. The pandemic may have physically distanced us, but we’ll always have Chili’s. 

Editor-in-chief Haley Galvin: Thank you for all the support. For patiently listening and helping me through all my onboarding, tedious questions (I know there were a lot!), and for your service to the Northern Star. Thank you for taking a chance on this “green” girl, both in hair and newsroom experience. 

I leave the opinion section in the capable hands of my successor Yari Tapia.