Colossal Carton‘ campaign aimed at smokers
April 2, 1992
Smokers are encouraged to trade in their cigarettes for candy this week.
Located near the Pow Wow in the Holmes Student Center will be a plastic mold of a cigarette carton about 3 feet high, said Marmy Chu, a graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in public health.
“Instead of smoking a cigarette you could donate it into the ‘Colossal Carton,'” Chu said. The smoker then fills out a short questionnaire, she said.
Afterward, he or she gets to pick an Easter egg filled with candy which tells inside whether or not the donator can go on to the second round, which will allow him to win a water bottle and possibly one of the grand prizes, Chu said.
The “Colossal Carton” campaign started April 1 and will continue through April 3, Chu said.
A one-month membership from Fourth Street Fitness, a certificate for a chocolate bear from the DeKalb Confectionary, two $15 gift certificates from Matthew Boone’s Restaurant and Lounge and two certificates for a half dozen cookies from Mr. Crum’s Cookies are just a few of the many prizes, Chu said
“The project is being done for a graduate health promotion class,” said Chu. She said the purpose is a health promotion smoking awareness campaign.
Others involved in the project are Vicky Brandt, Becky Mitchell, Maribel Cheavez and Janice Abizaid, all of whom are graduate students pursuing their master’s degrees in public health, said Chu.