NIU gives out N95, KN95 masks

Madelaine Vikse

A photograph of a variety of masks intended for use against COVID-19.

DeKALB NIU has free N95 and KN95 masks available for all faculty, staff and students to protect the health of those on campus. 

The free masks are available at all residence hall front desks, the welcome desk on the lower level of the Holmes Student Center and The Center for Student Assistance, Campus Life 150, according to a Jan. 25 NIU email. 

“NIOSH-certified N95 FFRs (Filtering Facepiece Respirators) are designed to filter 95% of particles when appropriately fitted to the wearer’s face,” according to the CDC website. “This means that an N95 that is not properly fitted to the face will likely give the wearer less protection.”

The CDC recommends that someone does not wear their N95 FFR for more than five times because constantly putting it on can decrease the straps’ ability to create the tightness needed on someone’s face for protection. 

“The number of times that an FFR can be reused is limited by fit, filtration performance, contamination and soiling and damage,” according to the CDC website.

NIU recommends that everyone takes one of the N95 or KN95 masks while supplies last.

If anyone has any questions, contact Center for Student Assistance at 815-753-8300 or