Valentine’s Day: Kitty litter karma

Rosie Trump | Tails Humane Society

One of the cats at Tails Humane Society next to one of the litter boxes, containing name submissions for the Anti-Valentine’s Day Fundraiser (Courtesy of Rosie Trump | Tails Humane Society)

DeKALB — Tails Humane Society is helping individuals get revenge on Valentine’s Day in a humorous way this year.

Tails Humane Society, 2250 Barber Greene Road, is an animal shelter where individuals can go adopt and rescue cats, dogs, bunnies and more.

Tails will be hosting an “Anti-Valentine’s Day Fundraiser” where individuals can donate $10, and in return, the society will write the name of your choice on a piece of paper. On Valentine’s Day, the pieces of paper will be placed into litter boxes, available for the cats at the shelter to use.

“So far we’ve seen a lot of people laughing along with us,” said Rosie Trump, events manager for Tails Humane Society. “We think it was really more to give people a chuckle and a little funny way to support the animals here at Tails.”

In terms of how many cats will be using the litter boxes, there are currently around 20 to 30 cats at Tails, so you can expect a number somewhere within that range. The names will be spread throughout multiple litter boxes.

Tails will accept name submissions until the end of the day on Monday, Trump said. If you would like to write anything else along with the name in your submission you are welcome to. Everything written will stay private between you and the staff at Tails. 

“All of the proceeds from the fundraiser support the pets in our care, providing food, shelter, medicine and anything else they might need before they are ready to find a forever home,” Trump said.

If someone has done you wrong and you want to get some satisfaction, this is a clever and fun way to laugh about it, while donating to a good cause.

Another event coming up for Tails Humane Society is their “Puppy Pooper Bowl” where individuals have the chance to win cash and other prizes. 

“We will be releasing puppies onto a makeshift field that we will make and whichever puppy poops first, if they poop on your square then you can win $250,” Trump said.

The event will also be live-streamed through the society’s Facebook page at noon on Sunday.

To contact Tails Humane Society, email them at or call 815-758-2457.

“There’s been a lot going on in the world that, a lot of things certainly not to laugh at so we’ve all kind of, it’s been a little cathartic for all of us here,” Trump said. “We’re more than anything hoping that we were able to put something light-hearted out into our community and get people to laugh.”