Sycamore granted funding to replace lead pipes

Justin L. Fowler | Associated Press

Gov. JB Pritzker gives an update on the COVID-19 pandemic in Illinois during a press conference at the Illinois State Capitol on Jan. 11.

DeKALB — The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency announced over $1.6 million in funding to the city of Sycamore to replace lead service lines in the community water supply.

“Our State Revolving Fund has provided communities a needed resource to remove the threat of lead in their potable water and further protect their residents,” Illinois EPA Director John J. Kim said. “As communities continue to identify lead service lines, they are encouraged to seek funding to remove and replace lead service lines through the Illinois EPA State Revolving Fund.”

Sycamore will replace approximately 120 lead service lines with the funding, which they received through a low-interest loan from the Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund.

Older service lines may be constructed from lead. Household plumbing fixtures and faucets made prior to 1986 can also contain lead. Lead can enter drinking water when corrosion of pipes and/or fixtures occurs.

By eliminating these lead service lines, the city will reduce exposure to residents living in homes currently utilizing lead service lines.

More information about Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund can be found here.