DeKalb Red Cross chapter plans events
March 30, 1992
Hard work as well as good-hearted fun lie ahead for the American Red Cross.
Director of the DeKalb County Chapter of the American Red Cross Kathy Glascock said future events are already in the planning for April and the upcoming summer, with past projects still in the air.
She said the month of March was primarily geared toward work with water safety.
“The purpose was to promote training to the community,” she said. “This will enable DeKalb County residents who want to get their lifeguard certification to apply to area pools.”
She said also during March the DeKalb County Chapter participated in the Greater DeKalb/Sycamore Spring Show at the Evans Field House.
Looking ahead, one of the major projects for April includes a “Tag Day,” she said.
“Tag Day is when volunteers go to local business establishments and ask for donations. In return donators will receive an American Red Cross lapel pin,” Glascock said.
In August, the DeKalb County Chapter plans to have a Swim-A-Cross, where swimmers will be asking for dollar donations from sponsors for each lap they swim.
Glascock said also ahead for the DeKalb County Chapter is a goal of $4,000 to support the National Disaster Relief Campaign. The money will go toward victims of national disasters such as flooding and earthquakes, she added.