Weekly horoscopes: March 30 – April 5
The wheel of the zodiac on a night sky background.
March 30, 2022
The new moon occurs Friday in Aries. A new cycle is beginning! The upcoming days are all about turning a new leaf and building up your strength of character. Try not to worry about the things you can’t control, as there are plenty you may run into. Instead, focus on what you can control and work to improve in those areas.
Happy birth season! Allow yourself to participate in your guilty pleasures. Currently, you’re in need of some calming energy, and your vices may be calling your name. It’s OK to indulge if you want. With everything, though, remember moderation. The problems you need to solve this week require you to be at your A-game.
Snap yourself back into reality. In an odd turn of events, you may have been finding yourself practically floating above your problems in an attempt to avoid them. Don’t fear groundedness simply because of the struggles you must face once you return to planet Earth. Don’t forget how many people are down here supporting you.
Don’t run out of steam. In spite of your natural tendency to be a wild card, your energy must be conserved for the immediate future. You can’t expect to be constantly on the move without consequence. You’re smart, so you likely are aware of these consequences. You may just need reminding that you deserve breaks.
Do you feel emotionally injured? The world is harsh and often unreasonably cruel. Be sensitive to your emotions and take care of yourself. Don’t ask people to coddle you, but don’t be afraid to self-soothe, either. This can look like anything, such as watching TV or eating a cupcake. You deserve peace just as much as anyone else.
Reach further. You are in pursuit of your dreams, which has led you to many great achievements, but this doesn’t mean you have to stop there. Likely, you may just be afraid of what exists on the other side of your goals, which may include more hardships. Try to be excited for such challenges — you are strong!
Trust in your adaptability. You are able to plant yourself in a variety of locations, each with their own temperament and value, and in every location, you have the ability to flourish. Don’t worry about where you choose to plant yourself; you can flourish wherever and however you wish to. It’s never the end of the world.
Are you bored? Go out and explore DeKalb this week. You may find that trying a new restaurant or activity with friends could be just what you need to get out of any potential funk. If you’re in need of such new sensations, don’t deprive yourself of them! You deserve a day out in the sun or an evening at the theater.
Cut yourself some slack. You’re acutely aware of your failures and you likely suppress how much they upset you. Don’t be afraid to fail; it just means that you can try again with a better understanding of how to succeed. Not everything comes naturally to people, which can be discomforting for perfectionists.
Routine is your friend. You may enjoy life’s unpredictable nature, but for the time being, you can’t afford any surprises. This is a time to keep your head down, stick to a schedule, get adequate sleep and take your meds. Your duties (and your physical and mental health) require you to stay focused without burning out.
Prioritize depth in your relationships. Do you believe you’re getting quality bonding with your peers simply because you’re around them? Encourage meaningful conversations. Try to set up a lunch date or similar with your friends, because their love and support is what will fuel you in the coming days.
Apply “DIY” to your life outside of crafts. Even if you don’t call yourself a crafty person, you likely have a critical eye and skill in creativity. You also strive for efficiency. Despite this, you’re leaving other people in charge of something that would be better suited if you did it instead. Figure out what this is and put yourself at the helm of it.
Protect your energy and emotional life. Due to your trusting nature and perceived vulnerability, people — bad people — will try to exploit you if given the opportunity. Make it hard for them to hurt you this week. Don’t grow callous; others love you because you are soft. Instead, learn to advocate for yourself and look out for red flags.