Weekly horoscopes: April 13 – April 19
The full moon in Libra will occur this Saturday.
April 13, 2022
The full moon occurs Saturday in Libra, bearing good, wholesome vibes. Also, there may be some underlying sadness or despair. Something in the universe feels off for many people, probably in the world of love and relationships. We must pay attention to how we present ourselves.
Aries (March 20 to April 19)
Happy birth season! Be kind to yourself. Almost everyone struggles with self-esteem issues, but often people assume you don’t, likely due to your personality being more bold or brash. Give yourself the credit you deserve. If that takes vulnerability or a sensitivity you don’t believe you have, at least give it a try.
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Rekindle your friendships. You’re a good friend, but if you’re not careful, some of your connections may grow stagnant or weak. Don’t miss out on quality time with your loved ones. It can be tempting for possible workaholic earth signs to only use their friends as free therapists, but this is a habit anyone — you — must avoid.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
Free yourself of seriousness. Your energy is more playful than usual, so why not let yourself express it? Because we are adults, there is an expectation to not goof off due to possible judgment or repercussions, but how bad can it possibly be to let yourself be fully, authentically childlike? Your inner child wants to say hi.
Cancer (June 21 to July 21)
Pull yourself together. Maybe you haven’t been taking good care of yourself; maybe you’re afraid that your world is ending. Your brain tells itself lies to protect itself from the truth. What are you hiding from? Do some self-reflection this week and see where you can improve, for the benefit of others as well as yourself.
Leo (July 22 to Aug. 22)
Everyone is capable of bad behavior. Stay humble. Be able to identify when you are helping or hindering a situation. It’s very hard to be a truly bad person if you have empathy, but everyone has the capacity to do harm. Check in with yourself from time to time: are you choosing kindness and compassion enough?
Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Differentiate burnout from exhilaration. Have you gotten yourself involved in too many projects? You may like to stay busy, and it can certainly be beneficial for you, but burnout is real and you are not immune to it. In fact, the adrenaline you feel from being busy might actually be your body running on fumes.
Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Treat yourself. Self-love comes in many forms; oftentimes it’s stereotyped to look like taking a bubble bath or buying yourself chocolate, but this full moon in Libra encourages a more practical kind of self-love: being present and taking care of your physical being. It’s time to act on any such self-care-related urges.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Do you feel outside pressure? Being annoyed is one matter, but feeling people’s eyes on you expectantly is another. Confront whatever or whomever is the cause of your problems. You deserve to feel at ease in your life, from work to home. Don’t let people take advantage of you just because you’re good at something.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 20)
Rediscover balance. You’ve been hard at work, and often hard at play, but there has been a lack of personal discipline with yourself. You deserve rest, but you must remember to keep yourself in line. Procrastination may seem like the best course of action, but deep down you know that it won’t actually serve you.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 to Jan. 19)
Prepare for a new adventure. Like Sagittarius, you could also benefit from quality rest, but in your case, it will be to revive you before your next big life event, whether that’s moving, graduating or starting a new project. Keep on doing grand things for yourself and your future, with some scheduled breaks, if need be.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 17)
Practice gentleness. It can be a natural response for you to be snippy or rude when you’re stressed, but people don’t deserve to be treated poorly just because you’re hurting. Your pain is valid, but you don’t get to take it out on others. Remember that we all travel different paths in life, none of them wrong, but all of them different.
Pisces (Feb. 18 to March 19)
It’s OK to excuse yourself from situations. You know yourself best, and recently you haven’t been respecting when your body has sent you signals. This is common, regardless of a person’s sign. Don’t be afraid of your own body. You are allowed to sit out from a game of dodgeball when the balls are covered in spikes.