Seminar gives students chance to develop skills
February 3, 1992
Students who feel the need to develop their leadership skills will have the chance at an upcoming leadership seminar.
The conference will be held in the Holmes Student Center from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8. There is a $5 registration fee for students for conference materials and refreshments.
The theme of the leadership conference will be “Developing The Link of Leadership,” said Rick Clark, associate director of University Programming and Activities. The purpose will be to help students to develop leadership skills for their future, said Clark.
The conference will be held for NIU students and high school students from DeKalb, Sycamore and other high schools, Clark said. “We want to see how well it works before we open it to other high schools,” added Clark.
There will be several different workshops for the students to attend. Each workshop will have a duplicate for high school students. Clark said the workshops are separate because the high school student is on a different level.
There will be workshops for stress motivation, recruitment of volunteers, organizational management, decision making, multiculturalism and diversity, communications, and leadership stories.
The workshop’s featured speaker will be Bruce Simmons of U.N.I. Quality. He will be talking to NIU students and high school students on how getting involved on campus helped him to become a better leader, Clark said.
There will be a speaker from the Founders Memorial Library and three students from the conference committee speaking to the high school students.