Good idea
February 21, 1992
In an age in which dating has been reduced to cheezy pickup lines, computer dating services and game shows, it was refreshing to see someone who put a whole new twist on the concept. Randy Smith found a new and original way to meet people. He placed an ad on the back of the Huskie Bus (#3_Greek Row), asking if someone would accompany him to his spring formal. I really have to give this guy a lot of credit, and personally I wish that I thought of it myself. Randy Smith, I hope it works out for you. You’ve got a lot of guts!!! It’s good to see that romance is not dead.
So if anyone is interested in a little adventure, why don’t you take a look at the back of the #3 bus and give Randy a call. Who knows? You may have a ball.
Vinny Ventrella
and the men of Phi Kappa Sigma