SAMTB hopes to resolve dispute

By Jayna Ronayne

Monday’s Student Association Mass Transit Board meeting shed hope on finally resolving the dispute over the Huskie bus logo.

SAMTB Adviser Pat Sanchez said he expects the dispute to be “a done deal in a few days.”

Sanchez said he had talked with NIU Transportation Manager William Finucane, who is pushing to have the NIU name and Huskie logo removed from the six new Huskie buses.

“Finucane said he was hoping there was no animosity between us. We’re not enemies,” Sanchez said. “I know he’s just trying to do his job.”

NIU Legal Counsel George Shur is expected to give his interpretation of the situation sometime this week.

Sanchez said, “If the minute chance comes up that the University Legal Counsel isn’t in our favor, then there’s a process where we’ll appeal before the Board of Regents, but I don’t think it will come to that. If it does, it won’t go down without a fight.”

Huskie Line Operations Manager Al Davis said, “If everyone else is using the logo, why does it matter if we use it? The new buses are for the students. It’s a source of pride, and it’s their (the students) logo.”

Also discussed at the meeting was the possibility of adding a bus stop by Wal-Mart. Sanchez said he will set up a meeting with the manager of Northland Plaza to talk about the details of the possible new stop.

Concern was raised over the possibility of entering the plaza from Bethany Road due to the severe dip which could damage the buses.

Entering by way of Bethany could also be a problem because it is a city road, and permission will be needed for the buses to use it, Sanchez said.

There also was a discussion on replacing the bus route signs because they are either missing or worn, Sanchez said.

“It may take a while, but we want to get things started now,” Sanchez said. “Many of the signs are missing or really beat and they need to be there.”