SA announces plans for protest

By Jayna Ronayne

The Student Association picked up the pace at its Sunday meeting and announced plans for a protest at the next the Board of Regents meeting.

The SA, which had only discussed budget issues thus far this semester, listened as SA President Preston Came said he would like to see “a rather large protest” for the next BOR meeting, which will be on March 19 at NIU. SA Public Relations Adviser Rebecca Bahr said she welcomes any ideas from senators concerning the protest.

Bahr said details were still sketchy as to the subject and form of the proposed protest.

Came also proposed a resolution about the BOR, NIU’s governing board, that was later adopted.

The basic idea of the resolution was stated in a memo from Came and SA Senate Speaker Michael Starzec. “The NIU Student Association supports the efforts of representatives Burzynski and Weaver to eliminate the Board of Regents and replace it with a more responsive body,” the memo stated.

Came’s main reasons for proposing the resolution included cutting duplication of efforts, which would save $3.9 million dollars and giving NIU more representation in Springfield.

“NIU has little pull in Springfield,” Came said. “Hopefully this will give us a lot more.”

Came also said the resolution needed to be passed in order to help NIU’s problems, such as a possible 10 percent increase in tuition, not being able to graduate in four years, not enough classes and the proposed Student Life Building.

The memo also stated, “the Board of Regents has given a meager $150 salary offset to faculty while simultaneously giving $8,500 worth of retirement benefits to the university president” and “the Board of Regents is non-responsive to student and faculty needs.”

“The BOR isn’t really doing it for us now, so anything would be an improvement,” Came said.

The resolution was passed in response to a bill being cosponsored by Rep. Brad Burzynski, R-Sycamore, which would eliminate the Board of Regents.

Later in the meeting, Came said NIU President John La Tourette will give a 15 minute presentation to the Faculty Senate discussing the MAI lawsuit at its next meeting. Came said J. Carroll Moody informed him that questions will be allowed from students.

The SA also impeached and removed two senators, Rich Schulte and Rachel Zilka, because they had not yet attended a meeting this semester.