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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Tipping the Scales

By Laural Marselle | September 2, 2003

More than 8 percent of college students are obese, according to a survey by the National College Health Assessment. In the spring 2002 survey, 8.3 percent of students were classified as obese. "The numbers do indicate that obesity is increasing," said...

Rec Center addition to open by spring

By Scott Smith | September 2, 2003

NIU plans to finish renovating Chick Evans Field House by spring to ease the student traffic at the Student Recreation Center. The $2.5 million project will include two new basketball/volleyball courts and two soccer/floor hockey fields. A jogging area,...

Former student now dean

By Samantha Henwood | September 2, 2003

Promod Vohra, acting dean of the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology (CEET), has seen more than most at NIU. He has been a student, professor, administrator, parent of a student, associate dean and, since July 1, the acting dean of CEET....

Award winners reflect on skills

By Laural Marselle | September 2, 2003

What makes a good teacher? According to past winners of NIU’s Presidential Teaching Professors award, enjoying the job usually helps. The PTP award goes to the top professors at the university. "I think that I have one of the best jobs you could have,"...

Karega Harris resigns from SA

By Nicholas Alajakis | September 1, 2003

Karega Harris, a three-year member of the Student Association, resigned late last week from his position as director of Academic Affairs. According to Harris, a senior sociology major, the move will allow him to spend more time on his studies and also...

NIU is one of the top schools for transfers

By Mike Neumann | September 1, 2003

NIU is home to more than 5,000 new students every year. With over 2,000 of these students coming from various community colleges and universities, NIU continues to be one of the top schools in the country for transfer students. Last fall, NIU ranked No....

Maryland game passes without incident, thanks to combined efforts of police, fans

By Dan Patterson | September 1, 2003

On Oct. 17, 1998, an ecstatic mob ripped the Huskie Stadium goal posts from the field when NIU ended its 23-game losing streak. It was arguably the biggest NIU football game ever - at least for the fans. For those goal posts, it was their last. Alcohol-fueled...

Give blood, save a life

By Greg Feltes | September 1, 2003

In the next three weeks, NIU students will have the opportunity to save lives and feel lightheaded at the same time. No, students are not getting the opportunity to become bungee-jumping firefighters, but they will have the chance to donate blood to Heartland...

Huskie football crowd makes history

By Nicholas Alajakis | September 1, 2003

Despite the fact that about 20 to 25 general admission ticket-holders were unable to find seating at Thursday’s Huskie football game, Athletic Director Cary Groth said the seating situation was a success. Thursday’s crowd of 28,018 was the largest...

Review ranks LGBT acceptance

By Christina Chapman | September 1, 2003

The gay and lesbian community has become more accepted among universities in recent years, but some schools are more welcoming than others. The Princeton Review recently rated 351 colleges on their acceptance level of gay groups. There were two lists:...

Local businesses face coming competition

By Lin Ta Kao | August 27, 2003

Last year, the family-owned Junction Bookstore, formerly located at 822 W. Lincoln Highway, closed down because of competition with local competitors Borders Books and Music, 2520 Sycamore Road and Barnes and Noble, 2439 Sycamore Road.

Now, local electronics venues will have competition with Best Buy’s pending arrival in spring 2004.

Donald Paulsen of Paulsen Appliance and Electronics, 245 W. State St., feels confident even with the new competition.

“We’ve been slightly affected when other major companies arrived, but we’re confident with our customers,” Paulsen said.

Ardeshir Niliaram, president of CBSi, 770 Peace Road, said because the economy is down, consumers tend to upgrade their equipment instead of purchasing new ones, which can be beneficial to his company.

Senior economics major Andy Jalley said he’s seen that smaller stores have higher prices.

“Granted that smaller stores have better services, [but] corporate stores have better advantages such as economy and sales,” Jalley said.

Dashboard Confessional: A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar

By Mike Larmon | August 27, 2003

"I'm talented with reason, I cover all the angles. I can fail before I even try." This lyric from "Bend and Not Break," a track off Dashboard Confessional's new album, "A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar" sums up the band's current state. "A Mark" proves...