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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Debaters return with weekend victories

By Susie Snyder | December 1, 1987

Strong arguments that "continued United States covert involvement in Central America would be undesirable" brought victory to NIU's debate team during a recent weekend of competition. The thrust of the competition, hosted by the University of Wisconsin...

Program to lessen sump pump problem

By Paul Wagner | December 1, 1987

The DeKalb Sanitary District is planning to implement a program this month to reduce the problem of sump pumps connected to the sanitary sewer system. District Manager Mike Zima said at a special meeting of the DeKalb City Council Monday that illegal...

Sex assault case closed after probe

December 1, 1987

DeKalb Police have closed the case of a criminal sexual assault which occurred Nov. 23 after determining the facts of the case did not warrant a criminal arrest. In an official statement, police said all of the information they received from their investigation...

Regents file suit to obtain land

By Jim Wozniak | December 1, 1987

The Board of Regents has filed an eminent domain lawsuit on NIU's behalf to acquire property between Lincoln Terrace and Lincoln Hwy. and Carroll Avenue and Normal Road. The suit was filed Oct. 14 in the DeKalb County Courthouse, with the Regents, NIU's...

Survey shows demand for adapted PE teachers

By Marianne Renner | November 30, 1987

A shortage of physical education teachers for the handicapped has been proven by a needs assessment survey. More than 150 of these teachers, called adapted physical education teachers, are needed in Illinois special education programs according to the...

After 16 years, legal services still unknown

By Nancy Broten | November 30, 1987

Celebrating its sixteenth year of existence, the Students' Legal Assistance, located in the lower level of the Holmes Student Center, still is unknown by some NIU students, Director Donald Henderson said. Although the SLA's two lawyers make more than...

Stray dog bites 4 before being caught

By Sean Noble | November 30, 1987

The DeKalb County Animal Control office, aided by the University Police, caught a stray dog last week which had been loose on campus for two years and had bitten four people. University Police Lt. Ken Kaiser said he received a report Nov. 22 of an individual...

Blood bank sets record

November 30, 1987

The Aurora Area Blood Bank broke their one-day record for the most donors at the Sigma Nu sponsored blood drive Nov. 23. About 161 donors gave blood in the Illinois Room at the Holmes Student Center, Sigma Nu Vice President Steve Serpico said. There were...

Madrigal Dinners recreate 1500s

By Matt James | November 30, 1987

The Duke Ellington Ballroom will become "a lord and lady's 16th-century manor" Dec. 3-5, as the School of Music holds its 24th annual Madrigal Dinners. The ballroom will be decorated in 16th-century style for the dinners, which will feature madrigal singing...

Added parking spaces will call for lot changes

By Tammy Sholer | November 30, 1987

Students no longer will be able to park in central and east parking areas if the university gets the go-ahead to construct about 1,200 additional parking spaces. Central and east campus parking areas will be changed to accommodate primarily faculty, staff...

Prof., alumna write book about Greece

November 30, 1987

A book on Greece, which blends the glorious past and the problematic present of the eastern European country, has been co-authored by an NIU professor and an NIU alumna. Published by Oxford University Press in November, "A Profile of Modern Greece, In...

City to discuss sewer system problems

By Paul Wagner | November 30, 1987

Causes and possible solutions to the problem of storm water entering the sanitary sewer system will be discussed at a special meeting of the DeKalb City Council tonight. It is the second of two meetings concerning August's flooding problems. At the city's...