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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Lori York, a K9 Police Officer at the NIU Police department, pets Izzy who is her K9 dog. York spoke to the Northern Star about her role as an NIU Police Officer and K9 handler. (Courtesy of Darren Mitchell)

Lori York K9 officer profile

By Joseph Ndu, Senior News Reporter | December 5, 2024

DEKALB – Lori York, officer at NIU, spoke with the Northern Star about her job as K9 officer and her experiences. Question: What’s your role and history as a police officer here at NIU? Answer: “I am a patrol division officer and K9 handler....

The Ellwood House Museum, located at 420 Linden Place, sits on a Tuesday afternoon. The Ellwood House is opening Ellcourt during the holiday season, with self-guided tours occurring Wednesday through Sunday along with Monday through Dec. 15. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

Ellwood House Museum celebrates the holidays with decor

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | December 3, 2024

DeKALB – The historic Ellwood House Museum in DeKalb is celebrating the holiday season with events and a fully decorated mansion. This year, the Ellwood House, located at 420 Linden Place, is opening Ellcourt during the holiday season by having a fully...

(left) Ruth Scott, executive assistant for the City of DeKalb, Mike Verbic, 6th Ward Alderman, Tracy Smith, 3rd Ward Alderman, and Matthew Rose, DeKalb City Attorney sit at a table Tuesday morning during a meeting to determine if Linh Nguyen would be allowed to run for mayor or not. Linh Nguyen has been disqualified from the ballot, but her team plans to appeal the decision. (Devin Oommen | Northern Star)

Linh Nguyen removed from DeKalb mayoral ballot by electoral board

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | November 20, 2024

DeKALB – Linh Nguyen has been disqualified from the ballot in DeKalb’s April mayoral race following a decision made by the city’s electoral board. The verdict, a 3-0 ruling, came at a hearing that began at 9 a.m. Tuesday on the second floor of...

City Manager Bill Nicklas speaks to the crowd Tuesday during the DeKalb Public Library Board of Trustees special meeting. Emily Faulkner, DeKalb Public Library director, proposed a budget of $4.1 million instead of the original levy of $4.6 million. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

DeKalb Public Library Board passes 0% increase property tax levy

By Austin Lamb, Assistant News Editor | November 20, 2024

DeKALB – On Tuesday, the DeKalb Public Library Board of Trustees passed a motion for a $4.1 million property tax levy, down from the recently proposed $4.6 million levy that would have increased taxes. The board met at the Bilders Family Meeting...

Lights from police cars, fire trucks and ambulances reflect off of the University Plaza apartments, located at 900 Crane Drive on Monday night. Fire trucks, police and ambulances responded to a call about a fire late Monday night at University Plaza. (Ryan Day | Northern Star)

Fire occurred at University Plaza late Monday evening

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | November 19, 2024

DeKALB – At 11:55 p.m., Monday, DeKalb police, fire and ambulance received a call about a fire at University Plaza, off-campus student apartments, located at 900 Crane Drive. All of DeKalb fire responded to the call, which included three stations...

Bright Field Church, located at 901 Lucinda Ave. Suite L. sits on a sunny day. Bright Field Church opened in late September and some community members have expressed concern about the church opening. (Ethan Rodriguez | Northern Star)

Community raised concerns over Bright Field Church

By Austin Lamb, Assistant News Editor | November 14, 2024

DeKALB – A non-denominational church, Bright Field Church, opened at 901 Lucinda Ave Suite L. on Sept. 15. “We believe the whole Bible. We believe that it's inerrant, it's perfect, it's God's word for us today, and we just believe everything that...

A graphic depicts a turkey with the word "Thanksgiving" above it, a police car and wine glasses with a car representing drunk driving. The "Click it or Ticket" and "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaigns will begin Nov. 22 and end Dec. 2. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

DeKalb County Sheriff’s office partners with local, state law enforcement agencies

By Austin Lamb, Assistant News Editor | November 14, 2024

DeKALB – The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office will be joining local and state law enforcement agencies to ensure drivers are sober and buckled up for Thanksgiving this year. The “Click it or Ticket” and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement...

A car passes a farmhouse at 2036 W. Lincoln Highway which will remain after construction of the solar farm in the surrounding agriculture fields. The DeKalb City Council approved a request from PSE Huber IL Solar LLC to build a five megawatt solar farm. (Totus Tuus Keely | Northern Star)

DeKalb Public Library proposes tax increase

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | November 13, 2024

DeKALB – The DeKalb Public Library is requesting a $1.18 million budget increase, a move questioned by city officials who demand an explanation. The city council discussed the increase Tuesday at the DeKalb Public Library. The library’s proposed...

The sun shines over Hopkins Pool on Monday afternoon. The Hopkins Pool is undergoing demolition for the renovation of the pool which is expected to be completed by summer 2026. (Marco Alvarez | Northern Star)

Demolition of Hopkins Pool set to begin mid-November

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | November 11, 2024

DeKALB – As of Nov. 4, demolition of the Hopkins Pool, located at 1403 Sycamore Road, is set to occur in mid-November. The Hopkins Pool Renovation Project will provide new recreational features and upgraded facilities to the pool. The DeKalb Park...

(From left) Ruth Scott, executive assistant in the City Manager's office, 6th ward alderman Mike Verbic, 3rd ward alderman Tracy Smith and City Attorney Matt Rose sit at a table during a DeKalb Municipal Officers Electoral Board meeting Thursday. NIU staff member Linh Nguyen had objections brought against her running for mayor. (Devin Oommen | Northern Star)

Objections filed against DeKalb mayoral candidate Linh Nguyen

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | November 8, 2024

DeKalb – DeKalb resident Albert William Vanstone Vodden, Jr. sought to disqualify Linh Nguyen from running in the 2025 DeKalb mayoral election, and the DeKalb Municipal officers Electoral Board gathered to hear objections to the nomination papers brought...

A graph depicts the percentages of voter turnouts in DeKalb County from the presidential elections in 2016, 2020 and 2024. DeKalb voter turnout in 2024 has increased 2% from the 2020 election. (Devin Oommen | Northern Star)

2024 DeKalb County voter turnout increases by 2% compared to 2020

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | November 7, 2024

DeKALB – With DeKalb County ballots still being counted until Nov. 18 or 19, voter turnout at the DeKalb County polls in 2024 increased by 2% compared to the 2020 election. In the 2020 general election, DeKalb County had a 75% turnout compared to...

People walk in to the Barsema Alumni and Visitor's Center Tuesday night to vote. The DeKalb County results will be counted until Nov. 18 or 19th (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

Unofficial 2024 DeKalb County results

By Northern Star Staff | November 6, 2024

DeKalb – As of 12:26 a.m. Wednesday, the 2024 presidential race is too close to call, and 14th Congressional District Representative Lauren Underwood won reelection, among the other unofficial results of the 2024 general election, according to the Associated...