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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Party watchers sit and eat food inside at a Democrat Election Party at 1020 Sharon Drive. The majority of the people at the party were of a middle-aged demographic. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

NIU and DeKalb community host election watch parties

By Northern Star Staff | November 6, 2024

Editor's note: There were no Republican watch parties held by the DeKalb County Republicans on Election Day. In addition, the Northern Star was not aware of any Republican watch parties at NIU. DeKalb – As election results came in Tuesday night NIU...

Voters stand in line inside the Barsema Alumni Visitors Center waiting to vote. The lines inside the polling place were long inside as poll close approached at 7 p.m. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

Polls close for the 2024 general election

By Northern Star Staff | November 5, 2024

BARSEMA ALUMNI AND VISITORS CENTER POLLING PLACE As the polling station approached closing time at 7 p.m., the Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center was still hopping with voters and citizens hoping to become registered voters.  Tasha Sims, the DeKalb...

Polling place signs are posted on the west doors of the Barsema Alumni and Visitor’s Center. In Illinois, voters are able to register on Election Day at Grace Period Voting at the East Conference Room located at 110 E. Sycamore St., Sycamore, for DeKalb County voters.  (Totus Tuus Keely | Northern Star)

Rainy morning depicts morning voting scene in DeKalb

By Northern Star Staff | November 5, 2024

DeKALB- The weather was rainy and the scene was quiet at the polling places at Barsema Alumni and Visitor Center and Westminster Presbyterian Church on Tuesday morning. BARSEMA ALUMNI AND VISITOR CENTER POLLING PLACE Erin Barker, a sophomore journalism...

The entrance to the Kraft Heinz Building sits at the ChicagoWest Business Center. Its opening has been delayed to 2027. (Marco Alvarez | Northern Star)

Kraft Heinz opening will be delayed two years

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | November 5, 2024

DeKALB – The completion of the Kraft Heinz building has been delayed by two years and it is now expected to open in 2027. In an email to City Manager Bill Nicklas and DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes dated Oct. 10, Sarah Doran, associate director of State...

McAlister's Deli sits on Monday afternoon. McAlister's is known for their club sandwiches and sweet teas. (Marco Alvarez | Northern Star)

McAlister’s Deli officially opened its doors Monday

By Mariestrella Corral, News Reporter | November 4, 2024

DeKALB -McAlister’s, located at 1602 Sycamore Road, will have regular daily hours from 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day of the week. For its grand opening, McAlister’s held a variety of events and celebrations including a giveaway and fundraiser....

Police lights flash behind caution tape that says "Police line do not cross." At 12:40 a.m., Saturday, DeKalb Police responded to a stabbing that occurred in the 800 block of Greenbrier Road. (Northern Star File Photo)

Stabbing occurred at 800 block of Greenbrier Road on Saturday

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | November 4, 2024

DeKALB – At 12:40 a.m. Saturday, DeKalb police responded to a stabbing that occurred in the 800 block of Greenbrier Road. The victim had multiple stab wounds to the torso and was transported to Kishwaukee Hospital before being transferred to a Rockford...

A graphic depicts the year 2024 along with the word "Vote" in addition to the donkey representing the Democratic Party and the elephant representing the Republican Party. DeKalb County nominees Riley N. Oncken, Anna Wilhelmi, Linda Besler and Lori Grubbs spoke to the Northern Star about why they are running for office. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

2024 DeKalb County candidate profiles

By Emily Beebe and Austin Lamb | November 1, 2024

DeKALB – Aside from the presidential election occurring Tuesday, there are numerous local elections happening in DeKalb County. Republican Riley N. Oncken, Democrat Anna Wilhelmi, Republican Linda Besler and Republican Lori Grubbs spoke to the Northern...

Political signs promoting for the State’s Attorney and United States Congress election are placed in the grass next to the 400 Buildings on East Hillcrest Drive. NIU will be closed Tuesday in observance for General Election Day. (Totus Tuus Keely | Northern Star)

Important information to know for Election Day 2024

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | October 29, 2024

DeKALB – Voters must cast their ballots in the precinct they are registered to vote in if they are registered in DeKalb County. If voters are registered to vote in another county, they must vote at the polling place in their respective county, or...

The property where the DeKalb Fire Station #4 will be located, 1130 S. Malta Road, sits on a Monday afternoon. City Council discussed whether tax rates should be lowered in DeKalb at its meeting Monday. (Marco Alvarez | Northern Star)

New 1.3 million square foot development approved as DeKalb weighs tax cuts

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | October 29, 2024

DeKALB – The DeKalb City Council was divided at its meeting Monday during a discussion about whether the tax rate for DeKalb should be decreased for 2024. TAX RATE DECREASE The tax rate for DeKalb in 2023 was .81096. The proposed tax rate for...

Sycamore and DeKalb police stand outside Brian Bemis Toyota of DeKalb Dealership on Wednesday. At 12:25 p.m., Wednesday, police received a call about a disorderly customer making threats and causing damage. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

BREAKING: Two people injured at Brian Bemis Toyota of DeKalb Dealership

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | October 23, 2024

Editor’s note: This piece was updated at 9:01 p.m., Wednesday to include information regarding the customer having a knife and attacking employees. This update also includes information about how treatment was provided to the assailant and injured employee. Editor’s...

Police lights flash behind caution tape. At 11:03 p.m., Tuesday at Rich Road, west of Nelson Road, a hostage situation occurred which left the suspect dead. (Northern Star File Photo)

Hostage situation leaves suspect dead

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | October 23, 2024

Clarification: A previous version of this report featured a photo from NIU's campus. This incident did not occur on NIU's campus. Editor's note: This piece was updated at 4:24 p.m., Friday to include the name of the suspect. DeKALB – At 11:03...