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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

White, green and orange pumpkins sit in front of Jewel-Osco located at 1320 Sycamore Road. The annual Sycamore Pumpkin Festival will kick off Wednesday and go through Sunday. (Ryanne Sandifer | Northern Star)

Annual Sycamore Pumpkin Festival kicks off Wednesday

By Abel Naranjo, News Reporter | October 21, 2024

DeKALB — The annual Sycamore Pumpkin Festival will kick off Wednesday and include several events from a giant cake-cutting ceremony to a pie-eating contest.  The first pumpkin festival happened in 1956 when Wally Thurow, a Sycamore resident, displayed...

Leaves are scattered on the ground nearby Greek Row on Monday afternoon. DeKalb's annual Loose-Leaf Leaf Collection will start Monday and go through Dec. 6, weather permitting. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

DeKalb to begin annual Loose-Leaf Leaf collection Monday

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | October 21, 2024

DeKALB – DeKalb’s annual Loose-Leaf Leaf Collection will begin Monday and continue until Dec. 6, weather permitting.  Leaves are to be collected Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents of DeKalb should rake their leaves into a narrow...

The clarinet section of the NIU Marching Band plays to the time marked by the drum major in front of their section at the Homecoming Block Party event Thursday. The marching band provided music for the entire parade and pep rally. (Totus Tuus Keely | Northern Star)

NIU hosts annual Homecoming Block Party in downtown DeKalb

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | October 18, 2024

Correction: This piece was updated at 11:03 a.m. Friday to remove incorrect information regarding the DJ name. The DJ's name is not Swag Surfin. Swag Surfin is the song that was played at the end of the Block Party event. DeKALB –  Hundreds...

The Union Pacific station between North Sixth and North Seventh Street's railroad crossings sits in desperate need for repair with its boarded up windows and holes through its brick walls. The City of DeKalb expects to hear by the end of the year as to whether or not they can move forward with their plan to bring a Metra train station to DeKalb. (Totus Tuus Keely | Northern Star)

City expects update on possible DeKalb Metra extension by year’s end

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | October 17, 2024

DeKALB – The City of DeKalb expects to know by the end of the year whether they can move forward with the second phase of a study to bring a Metra station to DeKalb.  Last year, DeKalb and NIU co-sponsored a feasibility study that provided insight...

Smoothie King workers stand behind the counter preparing smoothies. Located at 1015 W. Lincoln Highway, Smoothie King opened Monday. (Mariestrella Corral | Northern Star)

Smoothie King serves up smoothies to DeKalb community

By Mariestrella Corral, News Reporter | October 15, 2024

DeKALB – Smoothie King has officially opened its doors to the public, hoping to serve the DeKalb community a healthy snack in a cup. Located at 1015 W. Lincoln Highway, between Baba’s Steak and Lemonade and Starbucks, Smoothie King opened Monday....

Matt Streb, chief of staff to NIU President Lisa Freeman and NIU political science professor, stands behind a podium and addresses the members of the DeKalb City Council. The sale of the property where the Greek Life Center will be built is set to close on Oct. 21. (Devin Oommen | Northern Star)

NIU Foundation moves closer to closing sale for Greek Life Center

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | October 14, 2024

DeKALB – The DeKalb City Council approved a rezoning request for the property located at the Northwest corner of West Hillcrest Drive and Blackhawk Road. The property is the site of the planned construction of the Greek Life Center. “We’re...

A graphic depicts an FBI police vest, a police badge, crime scene tape and a jail cell. 2023 FBI crime statistics show DeKalb is almost three times the national rate for violent crime. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

DeKalb violent crime rate down, but still thrice national rate

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | October 13, 2024

DeKALB – The rate of violent crime in DeKalb is almost three times the national rate, according to 2023 FBI crime statistics. Violent crimes include murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault,...

Matthew McConnell (from left), a second-year graduate student in higher education and student affairs, Jasmin Kenzie, an NIU alum, Sydney Thompson, an NIU alum and Nesean Smith, a senior business management major, stand near the Victor E. Huskie statue at the 2023 Homecoming Block Party after they were announced as Homecoming royalty. NIU's 2024 Homecoming events will take place from Oct. 13 through Oct. 20. (Ryanne Sandifer | Northern Star)

NIU’s 117th homecoming aims to bring community together

By Anna Wittenkeller, News Reporter | October 9, 2024

DeKALB - NIU will hold its 2024 Homecoming celebration from Oct. 13 to Oct. 20. The many events that will be available are planned thanks to committees such as the Homecoming Planning Committee and Campus Activities Board. After the COVID-19 pandemic,...

A graphic shows The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation logo, a scammer, a loan and students. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Banking and the Illinois Attorney General issued a warning on Thursday to inform students of student loan scams. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

Beware of new scam targeting student loan borrowers

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | October 3, 2024

DeKALB – A new student loan scam seeks to take advantage of student loan borrowers. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Banking and the Illinois Attorney General issued a warning to inform students of student...

The members of DeKalb City Council sit at the city council meeting Monday. The DeKalb City Council passed an ordinance in a 5-2 vote to add a cosmetic liquor license. (Devin Oommen | Northern Star)

City Council approves alcohol sales in salons, barbershops and spas

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | September 24, 2024

DeKALB – Barbershops, salons and spas are now able to apply for licenses to sell alcohol. The City Council passed an ordinance to add a cosmetic liquor license with a 5-2 vote. Council members who voted for the ordinance were 1st Ward Alderwoman...

Mayor Cohen Barnes (from left), former 5th Ward Alderman Scott McAdams, 6th Ward Alderman Mike Verbic and 7th Ward Alderman John Walker sit at the Feb. 26 City Council meeting. The DeKalb City Council violated the Open Meetings Act at the Feb. 26 meeting by cutting off a citizen's public comment. (Northern Star File Photo)

DeKalb city council violated Open Meetings Act at Feb. 26 meeting

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | September 17, 2024

DeKALB – The Illinois Attorney General’s Office ruled the DeKalb city council violated the Open Meetings Act in February by cutting off a citizen's public comment during a meeting. The Open Meetings Act is an Illinois law that grants members of...

Baba's Steak and Lemonade, located at 1015 W. Lincoln Hwy, sits on a sunny day. Baba's opened on Aug. 5 and is known for cheesesteaks and lemonade. (Sam Dion | Northern Star)

Business spotlight: Baba’s Steak and Lemonade

By Mariestrella Corral, News Reporter | September 15, 2024

Editor’s note: This article is not sponsored by Baba's and is not an endorsement from the Northern Star as an organization.  DeKALB - A Baba’s Steak and Lemonade location has arrived in DeKalb, located at 1015 W. Lincoln Hwy. Baba’s Steak...