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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Bush to expand defense, support freedom fighters

August 2, 1988

Chicago(AP) - Vice President George Bush, sketching the outlines of a foreign policy for the 1990s, said Tuesday he would deploy a space-based missile defense system "as soon as feasible" and would support freedom fighters around the globe. "It is not...

Radtke condemns Regents

By Paul Wagner | August 2, 1988

Student Association President Paula Radtke condemned the Board of Regents Sunday for their secret arrangement to give former NIU President Clyde Wingfield a year off with pay. "I would like to see the senate pass a resolution condemning the Regents' actions,"...

HSC project plan could lower costs

By Holly Schubert | August 2, 1988

Architects for the Holmes Student Center tower renovations are trying to reduce project costs by exploring alternatives for securing stone to the tower's exterior wall. Gerry Orr, an architect for Ware and Associates, the firm which originally designed...

Carlucci inspects lates Soviet Blackjack bomber

August 2, 1988

Kubinka Air Force Base, U.S.S.R. (AP) - U.S. Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci boarded the Kremlin's new secret bomber and watched war games on tours Tuesday of two bases that had been off-limits to Westerners. The visits to Kubinka including the bomber...

SA’s new computer could wait

August 2, 1988

The purchase of a new computer system for the Student Association approved by the summer finance committee was suggested "to avoid embarassing situations" like those which have occurred in the past, but before this situation is over the SA may find itself...

National Teke chapter disunites NIU colony

By Holly Schubert | August 2, 1988

The NIU colony of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity was disaffiliated by the national chapter's grand council Aug. 1. Mark Fite, general manager for Tau Kappa Epsilon's national chapter, said the Tekes were unable to meet a set of 16 requirements required...

SA votes on computer system funds

By Paul Wagner | August 2, 1988

A spontaneously-formed Student Association committee voted Sunday to allocate itself $8,500 in summer student fees for the purchase of a new computer system. The system was among almost $14,000 allocated for supplemental funding for student organizations....

“Big Top Pee Wee”

By Lynn Hammarstrom | August 2, 1988

You know who you are. You're the ones who get up at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings to watch him cavort with his inanimate friends. You amaze your acquaintances with your seemingly unending impersonations of him. You hang pictures of his bow-tie clad frame...


By Sean Noble | August 2, 1988

It's a good thing the four members of the Indigos decided to take up music in Chicago instead of politics - their honesty surely would have cut their political careers short by now. Union Station, the debut album by this two-and-a-half year old band,...

NIU student becomes sixth ward alderman

By Sylvia Phillips | August 2, 1988

NIU student Mike Neylon, who was appointed Sixth Ward alderman July 29, brings a broad background and knowledge of the area to the position, DeKalb Mayor Greg Sparrow said. "Neylon is a well-rounded person. He will be able to deal with those decisions...

City council considers no-smoking policy

By Sylvia Phillips | August 2, 1988

A no-smoking policy, that would expand DeKalb's existing ordinance by further restricting use of tobacco in the workplace, is under consideration by the DeKalb City Council. The council will discuss the proposal at its Aug. 8 meeting. "We have an ordinance...

Football helmet makers taking hits in court

By Kari Brackett | August 2, 1988

While football may be considered a physical and contact sport, that concept may slowly be changing without anyone realizing. Due to lawsuits such as the one filed last April by former Huskie cornerback Charlie Jones Jr., football helmet company spokesmen...