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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Criticism about minority clubs prompts debate

By Nancy Broten | November 11, 1987

NIU students who believe minority organizations on campus lead to racism and discrimination prompted the Student Association Minority Relations Committee to organize a forum. Minority Relations Adviser Larry Robertson said many students are questioning...

Reactions vary on Springfield decisions

By Jim Wozniak | November 11, 1987

Displeasure and questions about the commitment of administration and the Board of Regents toward salary increases were the main reactions from NIU faculty after the state legislative session ended last week. "(Raises) should have been won last spring,"...

Campaign supporter sues councilman

By Paul Wagner | November 11, 1987

A DeKalb City councilman is being sued in small claims court for allegedly failing to pay a campaign supporter. Seventh Ward Alderman Mark Powell is being sued for $184 in campaign bonuses and back pay excluding court costs. Former NIU student Thomas...

NIU conducts study on farmers’ hearing

By Dina Paluzzi | November 11, 1987

A survey finding how farm-related noise exposure affects farmers' hearing was conducted Monday at the DeKalb County Farm Bureau by NIU's Communicative Disorders Department. Communicative Disorders Professor Jim Lankford said 170 people came to have their...

Officials comment on rape rumors

By Paul Wagner and Daron Walker | November 11, 1987

DeKalb officials said rumors concerning a string of stranger rapes on campus are not true. "There is no string of rapes," said DeKalb Police Sgt. Charles Kross. Jon Dalton, NIU vice president for Student Affairs, said, "There have been a lot of rumors...

Loan defaults exceed $8 million

By Tammy Sholer | November 11, 1987

During the last 20 years more than 2,500 NIU recipients of the Guaranteed Student Loan have neglected their loan payments resulting in more than $8 million in defaulted funds. Former college students defaulting on their GSLs has become a recent concern...

Health fee faces raise to kill debt

By Pam Schmidt | November 11, 1987

Students might have to pay more money in the future for health care on campus to cover a debt situation predicted to develop within two years. Although the NIU University Health Service is not requesting a student fee increase for fiscal year 1989, an...

Jazz ensemble features guest vocalist, artist

By Robyn Richard | November 10, 1987

The NIU Jazz Ensemble will perform its nationally honored annual fall concert with special guest appearances by artist Denis Di Blasio and new vocalist Jon Johnson Thursday. The free concert will begin at 8:00 p.m. in the Duke Ellington Ballroom of the...

Chicago utility plan would affect DeKalb

By Joelle McGinnis | November 10, 1987

The proposal for Chicago to purchase Commonwealth Edison's system franchise there after its contract expires in 1990 would affect greatly DeKalb-area residents. In an attempt to reduce spending costs at ComEd's Chicago system franchise, the city has been...

Tenant Union uses complaint form

By Alan Marcus | November 10, 1987

The Student Association Tenant Union has developed a complaint form which it hopes will help in its continuing efforts to alleviate landlord-tenant problems. Tenant Union Director Sheila McNicholas said she developed the idea after consulting with Student...

Regents, NIU officials not surprised with results of legislative session

By Jim Wozniak | November 10, 1987

Board of Regents and NIU officials expressed little surprise with the final results of last week's state legislative session but indicated they will be back pushing for more general revenue funds in the spring. igher education came away last week with...

South American music presented in concert

By Matt James | November 10, 1987

NIU's Andean Ensemble will play and sing music of Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela at a concert Sunday in the Music Building Recital Hall. The ensemble, directed by School of Music Chairman Don Funes, will perform music that blends elements...